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Styles Offered at Our School

With the use of Taekwondo and Hapkido we have designed a structured system that will not only challenge, but bring out the very best in you or your loved ones. We have students as young as 4 and as old as 80. That is the beauty of martial arts. Each person learns what their strengths and weaknesses are, while bettering themselves. If you are interested in submission fighting and or Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), then we have you covered there as well.

Korean  Art of Hapkido


For a good, close combat self defense; Hapkido is designed to help in situations when an attacker is within reach of grabbing. By teaching the body to react naturally with muscle memory; a person will be able to defend themselves in tight quarters or uncomfortable situations. We train to never back up. Our opponents either go around over over as we go forward.  To learn more about this art click the link below....

Korean Art of Tae Kwon Do


Tae Kwon Do (also known as Taekwondo) is the art of self defense that originated in Korea. It is recognized as one of the oldest forms of martial arts in the world, reaching back over 2,000 years. The name was selected for its appropriate description of the art: Tae (foot), Kwon (hand), Do (art).

Tae Kwon Do has many advantages that help accentuate other martial arts styles. With the importance of flexibility and kicking styles; it helps arm an individual with a good stand up arsenal to counter opponents.  To learn more about this art click the link below....

Submission Fighting/MMA Training


If you are interested in submission fighting and or Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), then we have you covered there as well. Few fights ever stay standing, so it’s imperative that one learns multiple aspects to defend themselves or their loved ones. We want to make you feel better at night knowing that you can and will have the ability to take any situation with confidence and a clear head. To learn more about the style click the link below.....

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